Thursday 9 October 2008

Wow maybe Nintendo are Listening

Do you like what I did there?
You get it huh huh. Well do ya?
Actually I'll be surpised if you do. The reason behind this is post is because of the release of a new Wii Channel called "Wii Speak". Well it's going to be released on the 5th of December in the UK to coincide with the release of Animal Crossing on the Wii. But in typical Nintendo fashion they gone and made it that you only communicate with people if you have their Friend Code.

Nintendo have always been wary of on-line communications. It makes sense, has anyone played a game of Call of Duty online? The amount of trash talk on that is ridiculous. And being all family friendly, Nintendo doesn't want any of that. So one feature that they have added is that everyone in the room is picked up on the microphone and everyone can also hear what is going on. Now all that Nintendo need to do is release a patch for Super Smash Bros and Mario Kart and I will definitely buy this.
Ice Koobs


Junlee said...

Any word when this drops in the US? Like you said, if Brawl will support this, it will damn near be a must buy.

Anonymous said...

good shit negro

fatherkrishna said...

Yep! Nintendo need to get that shit going on!