Tuesday 14 October 2008

Koobs CosPlay of the Day

First before I go on. I don't do cosplay (I don't think I could ever pull it off). Secondly this isn't my idea. I've "borrowed" it from Random J.
Any way. On with the show.

Wow. Now that is dedication. Sure it's made of paper mashay but it still must weight a bit.
And how long do you think it took her to make? She even got it down to the little waist coat. Ahh its just so cute.


Junlee said...

Not bad for looking like a polka dot afro. You can tell her heart was in it! :D

Ricky Moreno said...

this is a funny picture.
is this a friend matey??
looks like shes your sort of girl.

what is this cosplay ma-jiggy?

Unknown said...

I'm glad I don't live in Mario Land... At least for the outfits anyway.

Ice Koobs said...

My sort of girl. You having a bubble?
Let me guess because she into video games I've gota be into her?