Saturday, 31 January 2009

GF+1. Wii Fit? No no. More Me Fit

I'm a slob. Well not a massive one. I don't have wottis fingers. I clean up after myself and I don't imagine that I going to hang out with, let alone, screw famous ladies. Actually I'm just unfit. I'm not a slob at all. Now while I have grown fond of my One Pack (we have a special connection I.E it is connected to me) it is time that I've got rid of it. It's not very sightly. The thing is that I have barely any time to go to the gym to work it off.
Well as you might of guessed from the title I'm going to give my Wii Fit a chance. I'm going to use it hopefully once a day and then post the out comes on here. And by posting it I know I will do it cause I don't want to let you guys down.
So yeah there you go. Hopefully next time I see you my stamina should have increase by +2 points. Oh wait I forgot that's only in RPG's, not real life.
Ice Koobs

Friday, 30 January 2009

Is it me?

Maybe there is something in the water (you know the one that makes you piss out fat cells). But today I witness yet another display of real life comedy.
Basicallytwo dudes were arguing and it got pretty heated. I don't know what it was about and I don't care. But it was how one of the guys ended the conversation that had me in stitches. His train was coming so in a swift and confident manner he shouted out "F*** You, My friend".
Now with my own friends I often say F*** off to them in a playful manner. But it was the venom that this man said it with, that made this really funny. Or is it just me that finds it funny?
Ice Koobs

P.s Gaming Friday is going to be delayed till tomorrow. I've been doing some hardcore overtime at work and now I'm knackered like no ones business. Sorry to disappoint.

Thursday, 29 January 2009

Donkey Konga T.V Ad

I was surfing the web and was very surprised to find the following video.
It from an ad that aired in the U.K for Donkey Konga on the game cube.

The thing that makes this advert special to me is the fact that it actually stars moi.
And no I'm not going to point out who I am. Most of you that read this site will probably have spotted me already. I complete forgot I did this and it was a shock to see it. When it was released I looked all over for it but couldn't find it no where. Well until yesterday that is =0)
Star in the Making
Ice Koobs

Wednesday, 28 January 2009

Aw Karas

Time for another anime special. The star of today's Animated Wednesday being Karas (Which is Japanese for The Raven).

Now you may reconigse the picture or the name. Well if you read fellow blogger Random J's blog then you made as well have seen him as he stars in the Game Campon Vs Tatsunoko.

As an anime it doesn't follow the set rules as such. It always has a serious tone very rarely having a slapstick moment, if any. Not to say that this is a bad thing. Sometimes you will get so caught up in your thoughts about what is going on that you don't need any unnecessary comedy going on. The main story revolves around Ex-Karas Eko. Well not so much him but more about him going AWOL and wanting to re-build not just Tokyo but the whole world. Step in Otoha. The replacement Karas chosen by Yurine, the embodiment of the spirit and will of the city. I never realized how hard it is to write a review about something with out actually given away to much of the plot. I want to write more about the story but everything is revealed little by little with in the actual show. So that's why I can't really talk much more about the story. But take my word on this. I do recommend getting this DVD. If not for the story then the art style. It currently comes on two different disk which can be purchased together or separately. One complaint I do have is that the fight scene in the second disk don't match up to the ones in it's predecessor. But it is estinal if you want to answer all the unanswered questions.

The thing that I like the most about Karas is the how good the hand drawn sections are merged with the computer generate parts. Take the example below that shows the first action scene.

Looks almost real is some places. When I was younger (well four years ago to be precised) and uneducated in the way of graphic design, I always believed that it was all live action. I can now tell the difference but it is still visually stunning.

Karas is also one of those anime that you can watch again and again and notice little things that you wouldn't of notice the first time around. Which makes it great value for money.

Now because I don't want to ruin the story I left out quite a bit. But if you want to ask any questions then drop a comment. I'll try my hardest to give a spoiler free answer.
Ice Koobs

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

MM. Again And Again

This clip has been out for a while a now but it still a freaking good video.
The song is as you might of guessed called Again and Again. I think you might find out why when you listen to the song. The band who released the song is called The Birds and Bee.

That isn't the original video. It was something I found while surfing around. It so well planned and the miming is really well done. The actress is hot to so that's always a bonus in my book. It's also made me relized what my type is. Or at least what I look for in a girl. I never knew I would be so predictable.
Ice Koobs

Sunday, 25 January 2009

The stupidist thing I've heard this year.

Better make that the stupidest this decade. Possibly even this century.
This is a genuine conversation that happened at work and even now I can't get over what was said.
To make it easier to understand what happened, I'll set the scene and give the exact dialog that tool place.
Basically it was a normal day at work. I was on my lunch when one of the guys I work with came out the toilet. This person shall remain anonymous as it was him that said the extremely stupid thing. Now saying that nothing much was happening and because I was bored. I cracked a joke at him about how often he was going to the toilet so often. Anyway here's the dialog unaltered from what was said.

Me. Bloody hell. What are you doing in there? Making stock to sell?
Idiot. Naw. Its just I'm drinking a lot of water to lose some weight.

Now I pause here for a moment to say that this is true and it is not the stupid thing that was said. By drinking a lot of water you make your stomach full. This makes you less hungry and therefore makes you want to eat less. There are draw backs however. You still need to have your normal in take of calories and stuff like that. When people do the water diet (as it is known) they forget that vital bit). But a bigger drawback (in my eyes at least)is that it makes you piss like a pregnant woman.
But let's get back to the point.

Me. Oh really. (This was me making convo. Like I said it was a boring day)
Idiot. Yeah it makes you piss all the fat cells out.

W. T. F.
If I never met a prime candidate for the Darwin Awards before, I know have now. I wonder if he pissed out some brain cells at the same time as well. Or if he was naturally that stupid. I admit I say "that" as in the past tense. But I don't know nor think "that" he has improved.

Sometimes I wonder what I have done to be stuck with people like him. Also for a point of note. I didn't have the heart to tell him he was wrong. I think the embarrassment would kill off a couple more of his brain cells as the heat of his red face would denaturalize them. And as we can see he needs every one that he has got. Please don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to say I'm a brainiac, any one with an ounce of common sence would know how stupid it sounded.
Oh and before anyone goes and points it out. At the beginning of this post I opened up about the decade and century thing, that was a joke. I know the current century is the same length as the current decade =0)

Ice Koobs

Friday, 23 January 2009

GF. Am I'm going to be the cause?

The cause to what? The end of Game the retailer. I was thinking about it and about all the policies that they have in place and noticed that I go against most of them. But so do most hardcore gamers. Think about it for a a sec.
If a game comes out, I'll either get it when it's first released or when it go down in price. Not a pre-owned one. I don't want to get pre-owned game unless it is something that is not available new (a discontinued game). I don't see the point in getting a game for fiver cheaper just because it's been used. Specially on Nintendo products as I collect the star points. Think about it. I'll be offered something along of the lines of £20 for a game. Game are going to sell it on for £30. £10 profit. That's just not on. For me as a seller or a buyer.
Another thing I'm not going to buy is a strategy guide. As many of you, may or not know already, I have access to the greatest and biggest database known to man. I and some others call it the World Wide Web. The only book I would be willing to buy is something like an art book or something of that nature.
So I've all ready knocked out two of Game's biggest revenues. Also I worked out something that will be really helpful for anyone trying to save their pennies. Go against your instincts and don't buy the game right away. After a month or so it will drop in price. And for proof take a gander at the piccy below.

Ok so both of those games are whack. But it's just proves a point. Also have a look around the net as well. I've seen Little Big Planet for £18. All these games are less then two months old!
Any way. Back to the title of this post. I think you can see what I mean about me being the end of Game. What with me not only practicing the above, but also preaching it as well.
Ice Koobs

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

AW. NiN10Doh!

Some of you may remember an AW I did a while back about Super Smash Bros Taunts. The first thing first, I got the author wrong. It's not Wolflink, it's Kirbopher.
Next thing is that his made another flash animation about Nintendo call NiN10Doh!
It's a massive collaboration of his and some other peoples work.

I never realized how much of a short fuse Ash has.
Ice Koobs

Tuesday, 20 January 2009

Can you spot the problem?

So can you?
You would of thought that Asdas would want people to buy more in one go wouldn't you.
But then with all this talk about the credit crunch maybe they are just trying to make a little profit. Well a big profit in this case.
Ice Koobs

Monday, 19 January 2009

MM. What is this crap?

No really what is it?
Please give your honest opinions.

The song could do some massive clean up. Like really its just the same words over and over. And what the hell is with the bit featuring Lil Wayne? Maybe that is the part that they wanted to use to break the song up. Well congratulation. You manage to do just that and make a mediocre song a crap song. Maybe I should get a synthesizer and make music. If rubbish like this does well can you imagine the amount of wonga I would make. Here's a taste of one of the songs I just thought of on the spot.

Hard core
This hardcore to the core of hard. Oh Yeah yeah yeah.
The only thing harder be a diamond rough.
And even then that won't be worth as much.
Hard core. hard core.
Yeah yeah.

Repeat for about 2 mins with crap video effects and repeated scenes of one ugly assed girl and hey persedo my million dollar video.

If only life was that simple.
Ice Koobs

Sunday, 18 January 2009

Lack of visual goodness

Or in other words the lack of pictures. One of the big problems I had entering 2009 was I kinda screwed up my mobile. This is a hassle for a couple of reasons. The biggest being that I don't have a phone. The second is that I have no camera.
Hence the reason why not only is there a lack of photos and also videos as well. So it means that the revamp I was planing to do for quite a while now, will have to be prosponed. I got the idea all mapped out. Just need to take the photos to do it. Oh and photoshop. Yeah that program is so handy, but way too expensive.
But I will do it just not sure when.

Friday, 16 January 2009

GF What to write about?

What can I write about?
I have no idea personally. It's like I've hit writers block but haven't. I had a lot to write about but others have beaten me to the punch. Or there are some things, but I want to save it for a later date.
To tell you the truth I'm still thinking about the guy that was legless (in more ways then one) and that isn't helping my mind in thinking. Also I've officially split up with Ms Koobs (yeah she was real). Well we actually split up a couple of weeks ago now but I've only really just starting accepting it now. Yeah I'm a sap I know but meh that's me, the hopeless romantic.
Sometimes when it comes to times like this I just wish life was like a Video Game and I was the main character.
  • I'll have some cool power.
  • A guarantee that I'll get the girl/princess/cake.
  • It will be a good ending.
  • I could beat up baddies till my hearts content.
  • I know I would have extra life tucked up my sleeve.
  • If the going gets tough I could always pause and save.
  • And finally if I cock up really, REALLY badly I could always hit reset.
Maybe I should look into going back to my games designs. Or to my music. Or learning the real guitar (if I put the half the amount of time that I put into Rock Band I would of been a master by now). Maybe I should just concentrate on getting out my debt and being able to afford the equipment that comes with this stuff (I still do posts from my mum's laptop).
For a post that should be about games there's not much about gaming is there? Stupid writers block. I normally always have something to say about games eve if it's minor.
Ice Koobs

Am I bad?

No really am I a bad guy?
A guy just got onto the train blinding drunk and generally making an ass of himself. Not that I care, he's great entertainment for the long journey that I have to make every day from work.
I was originally going to say he's legless, but that doesn't seem appropriate now, saying he has just literally taken his leg off. The dude has a fake leg and was just swing it around. Only now has he calmed down and he has now put his "Leg" onto the seat next to him. I just really want someone to say "Can you please take your feet off the seat?"
I want to take a picture but I'm worried he might attack me with the prosthetic limb. Sorry guys I don't have to guts to do it. If I had my original phone I would of but the camera on the G1 is all that. At least not for action shots like this.
Any way am I a bad guy for finding this hilarious? I carry on thinking that I should feel bad but I just keep grinning.

Wednesday, 14 January 2009

AW. Well kinda.

Today is a bit of a mix of Animated Wednesday and Musical Mondays. Not saying that my last MM was rubbish far from it. Zack Kim truly rocks. He rocks. But he is not something I have on my iPod so in a way the last MM wasn't a true MM. But anyway saw this video on Kerrang today. It's not full animation but it definitely caught my eye.
The only problem is err it not available to embed on the blog at the moe.

But you can find the video here, here and guess what? Here also.

Sorry again that it's not embedded again, but it's still the video.
I'm getting a very Panic At The Disco! feel with this video. And what is it with the Carnie theme all of the sudden, what with Britney Spears AND Take That releasing albums with the tittle Circus?
I like Pete's make up it quite cool. Wouldn't walk out the house wearing something like that, but it's still cool. However I am going to have nightmares about Patrick's choice in Lipstick. Sinister.
Ice Koobs

Monday, 12 January 2009

MM. Zack Kim

Have you ever heard of Zack Kim? I've heard him play once or twice, but always believed that they were one off performances done for YouTube. I was wrong.
Here's the first video I saw of him in action.

Pretty cool right? I have only one question for the dude. How the hell did you find out that you could play two guitars at once? Seriously. The last person I saw try that, was myself when trying to make a One Man Rock Band (if you don't know what I'm on about look at this post here). And that didn't work out.
This guys doesn't only play the double guitar either. He can play one by it self as well. He has a load of videos up so have a look at YouTube Profile. I think you'll agree with me, he does rock.
Ice Koobs

Friday, 9 January 2009

GF. Special Editions. Why is Europe STILL Getting the Short Straw

Looks nice doesn't it? You want it don't you? You do. I can tell from the look in your eyes. Well if you live in the good old UK, kiss this sexy, polished special edition of Street Fight IV away. You're getting this instead.

I don't want Chun Li on the box, she looks crap. The box are is poor as well. Can you tell I'm trying not to swear at all. Hence the reason why my descriptions and vocabulary seems...ummm...poor.
Just when we were getting good released dates (mostly simultaneous) they go and kick as in the teeth with this. Hopefully someone will rectified this. Over wise I'm just buying the standard version.

One thing that I did managed to find out was that the UK and US versions will be including the following:
  • Limited Edition figurines of Crimson Viper for the 360 and Ryu for the PS3. (Saying that on all the UK descriptions is says that both will be available for both platforms. Maybe Capcom have realized that no one has a PS3 in Europe or if they do have a 360 as well).
  • A bonus disc containing a HD anime movie. On the PS3 it will be on BluRay where on the 360 it will be a special gaming disk (not a DVD)
  • A mini comic book strategy guide
  • Exclusive downloadable game content
From what I can see no one knows what this "Exclusive" content will be. Probably some kind of out fits. It would be just "POOR" if the only change in outfits would be just a change of colours.

Wednesday, 7 January 2009

AW. Mario's Castle Calamity

Mario never seem to have any trouble blowing up the castles in Super Mario World. Well I think I found the deleted scenes. Look below to see the 24 recorded times that Mario didn't managed to pull off the demolition.

Ice Koobs

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

The most simplest things

Why is the most simplest of things the most pleasing?
Such as a light breeze on a hot summers day.
Or a single falling snow flake (when it does snow in London)
Heck even thinking of a tiny dancing monkey in enough to raise a smile on my face.
Hearing a forgotten but upbeat song the radio.
Doing something you never though was achievable, not even within your most wildest dreams.
Having someone leave a comment (yeah I mean it when I say they make me happy).
Completing a song on hard in Rock Band with out the fan booing you off the stage.
Playing Rock Band with friends even if the fans boo you off.
And finally when everything is falling apart around you, when there seems like there is no hope and you feel the best thing that could happen is to have the ground open below you and swallow you up. The smile of someone you love, probably the most simplest thing in the world, is enough. Enough to make everything else not matter at all.

So those are some things that make be happy. What about you?
Ice Koobs

Monday, 5 January 2009

MM. Cupid's Chokehold

This song was originally released around 2005 (or was it 2006, I really should double check). And used the parts of the song "Breakfast in America" by Supertramp (I don't like it personally). I remember hearing it for the first time and being like, yeah I know what you mean. It's weird how you think you are so in love with a girl, just to realize that you're actually not. That it is only when you stop thinking about if you love her or not that you well and truly love her. It's something that I understand all to well.
A re-release of the song which removed the girl solo part that went "Girlfriend" between almost every single line was done in 2007 with a completely new video. It was more then likely done to cash in on the huge success that Fall Out Boy had achieved that same year with Infinity on High, as the person who sings the main chorus is Patrick Stump. He did in the original also, but like I said Fall Out Boy did much better in 2007 then in 2005. It quite strange how two years can make such a difference.
The video was also redirected as well to take a more literal interpretation of the actual song words. It even includes Katey Perry (yep the hot girl at the end in the Hoodie is Katey Perry of "I Kiss A Girl" fame) Travis McCoy current girlfriend.
As always with Musical Mondays I've got the video below, but this has an extra treat. Its all Karaoke Stylie.

Oh by the way, I haven't forgot that I said I would do requests. I do have one and I will do it. I just need to find the time first.
Ice Koobs

Sunday, 4 January 2009

Slapstick Sundays

Every once in a while I think I'm going to post a random video of me doing some slapstick.
I don't know why I do it. But I just do, so I thought it would make sense to at least make special day for it. Now these aren't going to be like the Monday, Wednesday or Friday things. This will be well and truly random. Could you imagine if I did it all the time. I wouldn't have any of me left.

Do you hear that clonk every time it hits. That's not the scanner holder, that is quite literally my head.
Ice Koobs

Saturday, 3 January 2009

Rubik's Cube

This my friends, is what success looks like. For too long this this cube remained scrambled and unorganized. But by a weird twist of fate (and my of the cubes many layers) I've managed to solve it. Don't ask me how. I just did it. But this cube has been given me head aches for the last month and was one of my minor resolutions to do. I actually wasn't excepting to do it so quickly. Maybe these resolution will be actually do able. What the hell am I saying I am going to them. Helllll yeah, bring on 2009.
Ice Koobs

Friday, 2 January 2009

GF. When is the best time to buy games?

So really, when is the best time? In my own personal opinon I would say New Years Day. Now before anyone says what am I doing shopping with my resolutions, worry not. I still have one left over from when I traded games in.
Now yesterday I was one of the unlucky few that had to work. It wasn't to bad as I only had to start at 12pm (getting a lie in is always good) and I knew it wouldn't be busy (although that acted as a double edged sword. No customers means less hasle but also less to do as well). Anyway during my lunch break I headed over to Game to see if they had anything worth while. Normaly there isn't much on sale and the one time there is it's sold out. So could you imagine my surpise when I couldn't decide on what I wanted to get. The choice was massive and nothing was sold out. Another plus was that new games where discounted. Guitar Hero World Tour plus the kit for £120, while being out of my price range was none the less a tempting offer.
Now another reason why it's good to go shopping on New Years is that there isn't that many other people around. I actually qued for less then 5 mintues. That's a bloody world record for Game where I've spend at least 10% of my life just queing up (might be an exteration, but probably not far off).
So there you have it, if you're looking for a decent shop for new games, shop around on New Year's Day. Heck if you want to buy anything (apart from food) do it on New Year's. There be no ques and you'll be able to still nab some sale items. Well at least over here in England anyway.
Oh and so you know, I got FFIV DS, Apollo Justice DS and Dragon Quest PS2 all for £32. Love it!
Ice Koobs

P.s this is my first post from my G1. So I have no idea what the layout is like at all. Any posts I'mm going to do from now on from my G1 will have a G1 label. Just so you don't go taking the piss out of my spelling =0P

Thursday, 1 January 2009

New Year, New Post

Gotta love that title. As you can you can probably tell, I'm being super imaginative as per usal.
Any way first things first. HAPPY NEW YEAR.

Now that I've got that out of way I have to say that I'm quite happy that 2008 is over and done with. It's not been one of the best of years for me. With certain events happening. But I do have to say that it was never bad enough to drown out all the good things that have happened. Like the making of new friends (you guys that read this), the getting back in touch with old friends (you know who you are) and this blog in general (for some reason wrapping your own head is bloody good fun).

I won't bother listing the bad things cause that is one of my new years resolutions.
Not to dwell on the bad things. I won't forget them, as I've learned valuable lessons from them. But if I dwell on it then I will surely repeat them.

One of my other resolutions is to get out of debt. Yep. I am in debt and it ain't pretty (when is it ever?). But I need to get out of it. By actually admitting it out in general then I feel that I will have more of a push to get rid of it. I've calculated that if I save a certain amount I should have it paid off by latest June. That's only six months. I'm sure I can do it. I won't go into amounts cause like I said I'm not dwelling on bad things =0)

The other one is to go to Japan. This is going to be difficult especially with the debt hanging my neck. But not all resolutions are meant to be easy. If they were then what would be the point in doing them. In all, resolutions are there to make you a better person.

And last but by no means least. I plege not to moan so much. I really do moan waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy too much. So if I do star moaning give me a kick. Unless of course it's about something that everyone is moaning about for example about a game or for a review).
Those are my main three. Oh and obviously the obligatory ones that every one does like get fit, keep fit blah blah blah.

Oh and the reason I've not been keeping up to date with the posts is because I was away on Holiday. Well I call it a holiday. But it didn't seem to be very Holidayie. But noooooooooo I won't moan. I won't!
A Fresh Ice Koobs (no not that kind, prevert)