Friday, 30 January 2009

Is it me?

Maybe there is something in the water (you know the one that makes you piss out fat cells). But today I witness yet another display of real life comedy.
Basicallytwo dudes were arguing and it got pretty heated. I don't know what it was about and I don't care. But it was how one of the guys ended the conversation that had me in stitches. His train was coming so in a swift and confident manner he shouted out "F*** You, My friend".
Now with my own friends I often say F*** off to them in a playful manner. But it was the venom that this man said it with, that made this really funny. Or is it just me that finds it funny?
Ice Koobs

P.s Gaming Friday is going to be delayed till tomorrow. I've been doing some hardcore overtime at work and now I'm knackered like no ones business. Sorry to disappoint.

1 comment:

Ross said...

At least that was a rather friendly "fuck you", no?