Saturday, 29 November 2008

At your request

As the title suggests this is a post at someones request. You know who you are.
So here's another slap stick video of yours truly.

And no it didn't hurt. And yes it did leave a mark.
Ice Koobs

GF: Call Of Duty. World At War

As you know I have bought this game. What you will not know is that I've traded it in this morning.
There isn't any replayabilty in it at all. Sure you can go and collect the death cards or try it on Veteran mode. But after dying for millionth time from a grenade the novelty of the game wore off of me.
For shame Treyarch. You've should of just left COD to Infinity Ward. They gave you template to work off. Why did you go and try and build on it. The AI lobbing grenades left, right and center isn't the only problem. Even if you are at the back of the group they will charge at you and you alone. Plus don't expect any help from your colleges. Also they are some really bad graphical glitches as well. One example I can remember very clearly is at the very beginning. A Japanese solider goes to remove a knife from his boot in front of you. There is a good couple of inches between his hand and the boot before the knife appears in his hand.
Anyway thats my opinion on COD W@W. In case you not sure where I stand on it, ased on my scoring system, I would give it 6. Hopefully Infinity Ward will produce COD 6 and not cock up like Treyarch have.
Ice Koobs

Wednesday, 26 November 2008

AW Classic: The End of the World

Every once in a while I'm going to do a post about some classic Flash animation.
The only real reason why any one would know about these will be because you even found them by accident or if you've been surfing the web since you were a wee lad. I'm the latter. I was thinking about it yesterday and realized that I've had access to the net for over 10 years now. That's a decade. It's amazing how it's now become an integral part of most peoples life. But any way on with the show.

I just have to say one thing. "WTF mate?"
Ice Koobs

Monday, 24 November 2008

MM: Paramore

So has anyone heard of Paramore. I would be surprised if you haven't at least heard Misery Business of which I choosing for todays music video.

I don't know why but I'm strangely attracted to the lead singer Hayley Williams. Don't get me wrong she is no where as fit as Mrs Koobs. But she definitely has something alluring about her. It could even just be that she has Orange hair (not ginger just orange).
Are there girls that are really as bitchy as this one? I was just wondering as if she did any of that crap to me in school I would of just the teacher on her right away lol.
My actual favorite part is not even not the school scenes but one of the band scenes. Actually go back up to video and put it around the 2.10 point. The timing is bloody spot on. And I have to admit that that guy was a bit of a twat. His girlfriend is way better looking then that hoe in the blue dress. And the way he looks bear haps afterwards until he sees his girlfriend breaking down.
Ahhh reminds me of school. Oh how I miss all the crap that went on.
Ice Koobs

Saturday, 22 November 2008

GF. My list is full

After finished the single player campaign on COD W@W I instantly went to thinking about what new game I should buy.
But then noticed that I had a pile of games that I haven't completed yet. Not a good sign. I can't have all these games and not at least try to finish them. And then there are the ones where I've done all the main bits but need to carry out all the side missions. The biggest culprit of the latter crime being GTA IV. God dam you having so many damn missions plus all those extra gamerpoints you give.

But I've now set myself a challenge. Before I can buy a new game I need to do the main story of one of my incompletes. Or all the challenges on the complete ones.

Just a little list to give you an idea of what I've got to do.
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Lego Star Wars
Burnout Paradise
Super Paper Mario
Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door
Eternal Darkness

Complete (But need to do the extras)
Assassins Creed

Whaa thats too many. But at least with this challenge that I have now set myself, I can save a bit of money. I guess. Even though I would really like Rock Band 2. And Guitar Hero:WT.....And Banjo Kazzoie.....And.........
Ice Koobs

Thursday, 20 November 2008

Meet my XMii. His called Ice Koobs as well.

Hi I'm Ice Koobs XMii. And I got couple of things that I would like to bring to your attention. First even though I'm a rip off of Nintendo's Miis, as you can see I'm far better. So neeehhh =0P

Ok ok. Sorry about that guys but it seems that my XMii has some personal issues that he needs to sort out. But I do have to admit that he does look cool. But anyway I got a couple of things to relay today.
As you might of guessed the first thing up on the table is the New Xbox Experience (A.K.A NXE).
I like it. Simple as that really. So what if they ripped off the Miis from Nintendo (XMiis as I like to call them) and also the open airy design of the Playstations menus. They at least do it with style and dare I say it, better then the originals do.
With the XMii I feel that I have better control over what my Avatar looks like. Even though there is the same selection of facial expressions (maybe more I've not gone and compared yet) there is also a choice of clothing and this seems to make a big difference.
The layout of the menus will take a little while for me to get use to but it just has a very clear and visualizing appealing feel to it. The disk copier is cool but you've got to keep the game in the disk drive regardless. But it does make your 360 so much quieter and it also means that if you have an older version that you are less likely to get any burn rings (no not that kind, the ones on your c.d you prev).

In other news, I've completed COD: W@W. Old news in a way 'cause I did the deed Tuesday evening. But I'm proud none the less. Now I've got time to dig into the multi-player section.
A couple of things that I've noticed about W@W so far.
  • It does seem to be as glitchy as Window Me (and that was glitchy). At the end of the last American mission it would run the cut scene and I was just running around for nothing. Also once when I was on multiplayer I jumped into a tank and earned an Artillery strike. I went to call it but didn't want to waste it so canceled. When I left the tank I was stuck with the Artillery strike and couldn't pull out my gun.
  • The enemy seem to be less trigger happy and more grenade happy. I think that I only die once, no make that twice, by gun shot. The rest of the time (about one hundred and fifty two times) was by grenades. Which is alright on normal mode, but on Hardened and Veteran one hit from a grenade is enough to take you out.
  • It is addictive. I don't know why but I had to complete it.
  • Even though at the beginning you don't feel much for the characters. I did start feeling sorry for Dimitri. Even at the end he has it hard.
So there you have it. I'm going back to join some multi player maddness now. If anyone wants to hit me up just send a friend request to the gamer tag "Ice Koobs" and just pop a massage that you've read my blog. Toddles.
Ice Koobs

Wednesday, 19 November 2008

AW. The Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny

I'm not in the best mind set right at this present moment in time.
So please excuse me for the short post.
I thought I would show you guys not only one of my favorite pieces of of music but the flash animation (saying that it is Animated Wednesdays) that goes with it as well.

Now I'll admit that its not the best flash out there, but it is synced well with the song, which is one the best songs out there. I wonder how the guy came up with the lyrics and that leads me to thinking how anyone comes up with lyrics. And then I remember why I was down and get depressed again.
Meh. I'm going to have cheesy Doritoes there the best.
Ice Koobs

Tuesday, 18 November 2008




Anyone want to answer?

Ice Koobs

Monday, 17 November 2008

MM: The Automatic

These guys have had a face recently.
The first thing they got rid of is their keyboardist. He was the one with the high pitch singer in Monster (don't worry if you haven't heard it. You'll see why soon). So i thought this Musical Monday will be about the different between then and now. The only thing that needs to be bared in mind is that I not a great speaker on music. Which you guys have probably be noticed in previous posts.

But first things first. The videos.
I like them then and now. But I do have to say that if I was froced to pick I would probably chose Steve McQueen. Both have the Hook. "Whats that coming over the hill, is it a monster?" and "I was the teenage Steve McQueen". Both are great dance starters in a club as everyone can help but start jumping around while shouting out the lyrics.
Another thing they both have in common is they both have a cool tune. I not sure about any one else but when I hear it I instantly know what the song is. But then again thats possibly from me playing to much Guitar Hero.
But with all these similarities why would I pick Steve McQueen over Monster. Well I mention the reason earlier. The keyboardist. Ok sure it gave the edge to Monster to single it out from the pack, but hearing over and over makes it become irritating.
Any way. I know that this isn't the longest Musical Monday but I want to go and play some more COD W@W. Toodles.
Ice Koobs

Sunday, 16 November 2008


So I went and traded the games in yesterday. Got £46 for them in total. I feel rich.
I even got £7 for GoW. Which was more then I expected. When I worked at Game (about a year ago) they only gave £1 for it. Good to see that I got something out of that piece of crap (sorry NebachadnezzaR but it is in my eyes).
Anyway in the end I didn't get any of the three games I've mentioned. I went and got Call Of Duty: World At War. Hence the reason why I forgot to do a post yesterday. I was playing this all night.

I wasn't to sure at first, I really like where COD 4 went with the modern warfare and everything. But to see that W@W was going to be set back in WW2 felt like it could be taking a step backwards. So far it's ok. Not as ground breaking as 4, but it still makes me want to complete it. Like in 4 you play on two fronts. The Americans against the Japaneses and the Russians against the Germans. However thats where the similarities stop. Where in 4 I started to develop a link with both of the main characters, I'm only enjoy playing as the Russians.
I've still the play the multi player yet. But it looks interesting. With the original modes from COD 4 plus Co-op for the main story. Once I've done the main game I'm going to try it right away.
Oh yeah and sorry for not doing a post yesterday.
Ice Koobs

Saturday, 15 November 2008

GF. Trading in

So I might me doing something I've never done before. Trade in some of my old games.
Yeah I'm a hoarder. I don't care if I'm not going to play the game for a while, I won't dare part ways with it. Unless its crap.
Which is why I was looking to trade these little buggers in.

Sonic has seen better days, Guitar Hero III is way to difficult to be fun and I believe you all know my feelings toward Gears Of S***y War.

But what should I get? A couple of choices I have:
  • Mirrors Edge
  • Banjo Kazooie
  • Guitar Hero: World Tour
I've played the demo of Mirrors edge and even though it is visually brilliant. It's not my type of game.
So now all thats left is the BZ or GH. God dam it. I might have to just get both.
Ice Koobs

Thursday, 13 November 2008


I miss ?J.
When is he coming back? He even kept it under wraps that he was going aboard from me.
Not that I didn't know he was going. I even know where he went, not that I'm going to tell anyone.
I hope he brings me back a souvenir of some sort.
Not that's that a hint or anything.

Another person I missing is FatherK. But his not blogging for a completely over reason. Hope you're getting better.

But hell I still got Junlee and Deitrix to keep me going.
BTW Deitrix website is found here. For some reason I can't put a link in my RSD read Deitrix, do you know any reason why?

Ice Koobs

Sorry guys

Again sorry.
I won't be able to do the full animated Wednesday that I was planing.
Stuff at work has taken a priority I'm afraid.
But so you don't get to disappointed heres a little clip I found.

Man that song will never get old.

Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Nothing much to say

Nothing really has happened today.
Well something kinda of happened but has not happened yet. If that make sense.
I've been asked to review a phone at work before it is released and (guess what) write a blog about it. Oh the irony. I'm finding it hard enough to my own personal one.
I can't really talk about the phone. Not because I've been told not to but just because I want to see what it is like first before I say anything about it. I think most of you guys know how I am when it comes to reviewing things. Hard but fair. I might post something when the phone is available for sale.
On another topic I'm looking at my options to get Guitar Hero: World Tour. I think I'll trade in my Guitar Hero 3 (plus guitar) on the Wii for the 360 GH:WT. I learned my mistake from getting the Wii one when I went looking for the downloadable songs. What a screw up that was.
Nintendo need to put their game up. It still costs £180 over here. A 360 Premium Pack (the one with a 60gb hard drive) is only £200. With an extra £30 for the Elite edition. That means that if I was chosing a console on pure merit then the 360 would win hands down. Better graphics, better online play, and (it kills me to say this) better games (oh god it hurts).
Dam it Nintendo. You must of made enough money now. Make the Wii 2 already. A Wii with improved graphics, improved online, a hard drive, better motion control, better (hardcore) games. I think i finally understand how some mothers feel when their little child that they wanted to be a Lawyer says that they want to become a Dustbin Man.

For a day that I didn't think I would write a lot I actually have. I would say it was a bit of a Random Ramble but then I think ?J will sue over copy right.
Ice Koobs

Monday, 10 November 2008

MM: Naruto Special

After the last Animated Wednesday I've kinda gone a bit Naruto crazy. So I found and downloaded all the Naruto opening and closing tunes onto my phone so I can listen to it when ever I want. Even at work (not that I would do that, damn I slow not stupid).
Any way here are my personal favorites and the lyrics as well (both in Japanese and English)

Enjoy =0)

Just a quick note before people send the hate mail. These are the full versions of all the songs and how the bands have released them. NOT what the songs are from the actual opening and ending of the Naruto anime. Yeah I only just remembered that after finding the Orange Range video. Talking about the video, I really love the dude in the white shirt's hat. I want one.

I know the subs aren't perfectly time but this was the best I could find. I still love the songs and when it comes to J pop I don't normally care what it means in English. Bad I know but how can you when you just hear the upbeat and tempo.

I'm not going to post a video with subs for this one. I think you know what his saying.

So, there you have it. Not only one but three songs from my music collection. Told you it was wide a varied. Hope you enjoyed it. If you didn't then just post a comment and say why. If you did then post a comment anyway. I like comments =0)

Ice Koobs

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Pimp my ride Origins

Ever wonder where Pimp My Ride got its ideas from. And after watching a classic movie I think I've found them.

The movie I was watching was Ghostbusters by the way. Bright lights and extra space in the back for your Proton Packs. You can't get more pimped then the Ecto 1. Or can you?

The De Lorean from Back to the Future. This baby could time travel and fly as well. Hell if thats not enough, then don't forget it had the flux capacitor, a nuclear freaking reactor, for an engine.

Dude its like a talking car. Thats almost tops off the De Lorean. Well it would if it could fly and time travel. Or maybe if the De Lorean could speak. "No Marty. I don't think that is a good idea." Yeah that would be sweet.

Ok the last car in my list is coming up. But before I unveil it, I must warn you. I asked my mum for some ideas. This was the only thing she could come up with. So don't take the piss too badly.

Yep. The Love Bug, Herbie. She didn't even mention any of the others apart from Kitt. But that was because I mention him (or it as he is a car) as an example.
Ice Koobs

Saturday, 8 November 2008

Get out of the bloody way!

Why is it, that at Christmas all the slow people come out. Slow as in stupid and moving.
I only have an hour lunch break. Why should I have to spend half of that dodging and diving to avoid people. Life (sadly) is not a video game. I get no "Continues" if I'm late off my lunch, no second chances.
Why can't slow people move to the side and let people pass. When I have a lot of shopping or even just walking slow I stick to the sides. That way people can at least get pass me.
Like Jesus its not the hard. I don't think you understand the frustration that you I feel when I stuck behind what seems like a country western line dancing trope.
Ice Koobs

Friday, 7 November 2008

GF. Decisions Decisions

Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.
I've got a hard choice to make.
Should I get Guitar Hero World Tour or not?

I lost my confidants in Guitar Hero (GH) after number three. Number one set the standard, where number two improved on it. Then number three came along with mediocre songs, over the top difficulty and crappy boss battles. However with world tour they have sorted out the play list. Here are just some of the songs. The main ones that I know and want to play.
  • American Woman (The Guess Who)
  • Are You Gonna Go My Way (Lenny Kravitz)
  • Assassin (Muse (about time that they got more recognition and aren't a bonus track))
  • B.Y.O.B (System of a Down)
  • Beat It (Michael Jackson)
  • Dammit (Blink 182)
  • Everlong (Foo-Fighters(A blantant kick in the face to Rock Band. They used this in there trailer for Rock Band 2))
  • Eye of Tiger (Survivor(The ROCKY theme!))
  • Freak On a Lease (Korn)
  • The Kill (30 Seconds to Mars(Another jab at Rock Band)*
  • Misery business (Paramore(The right Paramore song to have))
  • Monsoon (Tokio Hotel)*
  • Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast) (Lostprophets)
  • Spider Webs (No Doubt)
  • What I've Done (Linkin Park (Link Fricking Park!!! SWEET))
  • Hotel California (The Eagles(I always turn this up to full volume when its on))
  • Mr Brightside (The Killers(This is only a download but still))
*These are also available on Rock Band. It would be interesting to see how each game plays.
Another thing that I can thank GH for is introducing some wicked bands to me. I would have never bothered to listen to Avenge Sevenfold, as I seen them as a bit to heavy. But after playing Beast and the Harlot on GH2, I fell in love with their crazy guitar solos and the catchy hooks.

The only thing is the cost of buying another guitar for another game. I already have a full band kit. Do I really need another instrument to take up more space and money? And another game at that point as well? I already got Mirror's Edge and Banjo Kazooie playing for my affection.
Too many decisions.
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions.

Ice Koobs

Thursday, 6 November 2008


I love toast.
It so quick and easy.
Tasty too.
Even just plain.
Can you guess I can't think of anything to write about?
Ice Koobs

Wednesday, 5 November 2008

AW. A return of Ice 101

Before I start doing any reviews about any type of animation I feel that I need to get some things clear. The differences between Manga and Anime. The best way to do this I feel is reintroduce "Ice 101".

Ice 101
Lesson #004 Anime and Manga
Now when I was a young lad (some people would still say I'm a whipper snapper) I was greatly confused by Japanese Animation. I would always go into shops and ask for Manga and get shown to the DVD section. Which isn't right. Manga is the equivalent of a graphic novel, so it should be in the book section of the store.
But this always made me think "Am I wrong?" (I wrong most of the time, so it wouldn't of surprised me). But atlas i was right. There was a company over here that produced Anime DVDs and are called Manga. This is what the confused the sales people. Dumb asses. Also another factor that contributed to the confusion is that lots of Anime, if it's popular, get converted to Anime. A bit like a good book can get turned into a movie. (If it becomes a GOOD movie is another question).
Anyway just so that everything is clear here are is an example of Anime and Manga. This is from the Manga of Naruto. The following video is of the same scene but in the Anime version.

Oh I forgot to mention another thing. Manga is normally reads from the right to the left (more on this later). So for example the above would be read as "Kage Bushin No Justu" Not "Justu Kage Bushin No". Kage Bushin No Justu means "Shadow Clone Technique" btw just in case you were wondering. See who say I don't do anything educational. I'm teaching Japanese.

As you can see there's not much difference between the two. And I like both as much as the other.
Now a bit more about why Mangas read from the right to left. The most important fact is that Japanese is read from the right to the left. Now it used to be that Manga when released in the UK and the US was published in a "flopped" fashion. In that everything is reverse so that it will read from left to right. Where this would make reading easier it also reversed any designs as well. So a shirt saying "Hello" would read "olleH" and because it wasn't actually part of the script it wouldn't get corrected. Also many artist didn't like this being done to their work. They said that it skews the original idea.

So there you have it. Another lesson finished. So now when I'm talking about Anime or a Manga you're hopefully know what I'm on about as well as which is which.
Ice Koobs

Tuesday, 4 November 2008

Sick Koobs Day

My throat is killing me. But I've maned it out and went into work today.
Thank F*** its my day off tomorrow or else I might collapse.
I pray this bug will sod off soon.

Monday, 3 November 2008

MM. Sam Sparro: Black & Gold

Well I heard this song I loved it straight away. I couldn't get enough of it. Heck I still can't enough of it now. Every time I hear it I just wanna tap my feet.

There is one thing for sure. I want one of those light up tuxes. How sweet would that be.
Like a fit bird would be all "Oh no. I can't see where I'm going."
And then I could be like "Have no fear. Ice Koobs is here." Then switch the suit on and be like all cool and everything. Or I could end up looking like a Christmas Tree. Still would be a cool Christmas Tree.
This is one of those songs that once it's got its hook into will just not let you go. But I like it for that. The fact that I can hear it quite often and not get pissed at it.
This is where my lack of skill at describing why I like music take effects. I don't know what else to say.
But that is why these Musical Mondays are about WHAT I have in my collection of music and not WHY they are there.

Ice Koobs

Watssup You Tubing it

The place where I got the orginal one took it down for some reason.
So for all the people that didn't get to see it, I went and found it on YouTube for you.


Sunday, 2 November 2008

Wassup Polictal

Have you ever wondered what happened to the Budwiser guys?
Then take a ganda below to find out.

Spot: Wassup 2008 from VideoSpotNow on Vimeo.

But on a serious note. Every one who can in America should go to vote on the 4th. I'm not saying that you should vote for Barack Obama. But I am saying you should vote. In a world where there so many places where people have no voice we should feel proud that we can chose who can run our country. Both in England and America.
Supposedly more people vote in Big Brother then the General Elections. How can you complain that you are not happy about something or a way a thing is being done if you didn't bother to stand up and have your say in the first place.
Sometimes when it come to any election. I wonder what it would take to get the majority of people to vote. I know you could never get everyone to vote, no matter how hard you tried. I think of all the reason why some people don't vote, but because I do, it's hard to come up with any reason. A manage a few.
  • What's the point. It will never go the way I want it.
My argument to this is as I said earlier. If you don't vote then how will you know. Maybe it's your one vote is the one that changes everything.
  • All the parties are the same anyway.
Then don't just look at the main steam parties. I don't know how it is in America but over here in England there are always more then the three main parties. And they are all very different. Take the Green Party for example. They want to push for higher taxes on non eco-friendly things. Oh if I have to say one thing on who to vote for then don't ever vote for them. Stupid Green Party.
Sometime I wonder what it takes to try and enter the election. If the values I have are the same as the nation. Or if I could do a better job then most people. Could you imagine it. Prime Minster Koobs. Kinda sounds cool. I like it. Excuse me I'm gong to look into making this possible.
Ice Koobs

Saturday, 1 November 2008

A post a day...

...doesn't keep the doctor away.
My throat is killing me. I couldn't sleep last night because I coughing my guts up.
Anyway. I managed to do it. I'm well chuffed that I managed to do it. I going to try and post one a day again this month, but with Christmas coming up I'm going to be tight for time.
Any way I'm going back to bed. Hopefully my throat will sort it self out.
Ice Koobs