Monday 3 November 2008

MM. Sam Sparro: Black & Gold

Well I heard this song I loved it straight away. I couldn't get enough of it. Heck I still can't enough of it now. Every time I hear it I just wanna tap my feet.

There is one thing for sure. I want one of those light up tuxes. How sweet would that be.
Like a fit bird would be all "Oh no. I can't see where I'm going."
And then I could be like "Have no fear. Ice Koobs is here." Then switch the suit on and be like all cool and everything. Or I could end up looking like a Christmas Tree. Still would be a cool Christmas Tree.
This is one of those songs that once it's got its hook into will just not let you go. But I like it for that. The fact that I can hear it quite often and not get pissed at it.
This is where my lack of skill at describing why I like music take effects. I don't know what else to say.
But that is why these Musical Mondays are about WHAT I have in my collection of music and not WHY they are there.

Ice Koobs


Junlee said...

Like a fit bird would be all "Oh no. I can't see where I'm going."
And then I could be like "Have no fear. Ice Koobs is here." Then switch the suit on and be like all cool and everything. Or I could end up looking like a Christmas Tree. Still would be a cool Christmas Tree.

LOL! For some reason, this reminded me of that part of your review of GoW when you were talking about how you could have been talking to a cute girl instead of playing that game.

Ice Koobs said...

Can you blame me?
That game took away a valuable hour of my life. I dreading all the Fan Boys who are going to go and buy number 2 today.