Saturday, 22 November 2008

GF. My list is full

After finished the single player campaign on COD W@W I instantly went to thinking about what new game I should buy.
But then noticed that I had a pile of games that I haven't completed yet. Not a good sign. I can't have all these games and not at least try to finish them. And then there are the ones where I've done all the main bits but need to carry out all the side missions. The biggest culprit of the latter crime being GTA IV. God dam you having so many damn missions plus all those extra gamerpoints you give.

But I've now set myself a challenge. Before I can buy a new game I need to do the main story of one of my incompletes. Or all the challenges on the complete ones.

Just a little list to give you an idea of what I've got to do.
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy XII
Lego Star Wars
Burnout Paradise
Super Paper Mario
Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door
Eternal Darkness

Complete (But need to do the extras)
Assassins Creed

Whaa thats too many. But at least with this challenge that I have now set myself, I can save a bit of money. I guess. Even though I would really like Rock Band 2. And Guitar Hero:WT.....And Banjo Kazzoie.....And.........
Ice Koobs


Unknown said...

Eternal Darkness & Okami and let me know your scores on each!!

Junlee said...

STILL haven't completed Okami, but it's crazy good!

Ice Koobs said...

Eternal Darkness will have you craping yourself. And cursing that you keep dying. But otherwise it's good.
And if you like Zelda then Okami is the game for you. It is very similar but manages to retain it's own style of game play. I have the PS2 edition. I might trade it in for the Wii one. At least that way I can say that I have a decent Wii collection =0)

NebachadnezzaR said...

Finish Okami. Seriously. I know it can get a bit boring at times (I left it on "pause" for two times before finally finishing it) but trust me, it's worth it.

But, anyway, I feel your pain. That used to happen to me all the time, and still occasionally does, but nowadays I always make an effort to finish a game before moving on.

The Sports Satirist said...

Make sure you finish Paradise, Okami, the Final Fantasy games, and Eternal Darkness. The rest are not worth finishing. I never did any of the extra stuff on GTA 4 and Ass Creed. I just don't see any reason to get 100 % completion in GTA, and I don't really feel like collecting flags in Ass Creed. Achievements don't provide me with enough motivation to play. I feel the same way with trophies as well.

Ice Koobs said...

I like the achievement system on the 360. It makes me want to do more in the game.
I'm going to trade in COS W@W btw. I'm just not getting along with it. Not even the multi-player. After playing it for a week the shine has worn off. I find that I'm play COD 4 more.

The Sports Satirist said...

Yes, it is tough to plat World after already playing Call 4. World seems more like a step backward, but it is stilll good.

Junlee said...

I saw Okami on Wii for $20 today, but they were out by the time we got there.