Friday, 27 February 2009

Sick Koobs day

I feel so hollow at the moemnt. Like I might pass out any time now. My throat is so dry that I can't even talk. It was alright in the beginning cause I sounded like some cool Blues singer. But now I have to rely on my G1 to talk for me (god bless this device).
Now even though I use my fingers to type not my voice I finding it really hard to concentrate. I think that I haven't had any problems so far. But I better stop while I'm ahead.
Ice Koobs

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

AW. 'Sup Chief

Who of my favorite movies of all time is who framed Roger Rabbit. I just loved the way it was real but had cartoons as well.
Well that same effect is in use in the clip tomorrow.

Watch more videos of Halo 3

I think this clip is brilliant. Like I would so have Master Chief do all of that stuff and more. The acting could be better. But that can be easily remedy. I'm already looking forward to the other episodes.
Ice Koobs

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

MM. Blink 182, the self titled album.

So saying I did two tracks off they're previous albums, I thought I should finish off the Blink theme with a song off they're self title album Blink 182. I know I've missed out Dude Ranch, Cheshire Cat and Buddha, but I don't actually have them on my iPod. Got the CD's but I don't want to put to many songs onto my mum's laptop.
There is still debate over the title of this album. As you can see I believe it is a self title album. But some people say that it actually has no name. The thing is that it's a bit hard to sell a cd with no name. So that's why I'm sticking with the self title thing. It also a much more mature Blink 182. No toilet humour here. Which isn't a bad thing. One thing that always happens with a band is that they get stale. The only thing is you don't want to change your self to much, or else you might as well change your name.

The song I've chosen is the frist song they released. Feeling this. It just works. If that makes sence.

The funny thing about this song is the fact that both Mark and Tom went into separate rooms to write the words for the songs. Was to write the verse and the other the chorus. Surprisingly they both chose to write about sex. The lustful side on the verse and loving feel on the chorus. The opposites work well together and in the end both conflict but harmonize. Check me out. Remembering what I learned in my Music GCSE.
Ice Koobs

Saturday, 21 February 2009

Street Fighter The Later Years 9

It's the final fight. Who will win?

So there you have it. Hope you've enjoyed today. As I doubt I will do it again any time soon. And I didn't have a day off. I've just been testing out the time delay posts and what I can do on my G1. I'm a little upset however. Random J gone and posted all the clips in one post. I know he didn't mean to but *Sad Face* =0(
Oh well I do have one advantage. I got the ninth and final episode *Happy Face* =0)

"Why don't you try a harder difficulty level next time?"
Ice Koobs

Friday, 20 February 2009

Street Figther The Later Years 8

Whoo Ken got the HADOKEN.
And what a douch Guile has become. Although it was funny.
Ice Koobs

Street Fighter The Later Years 7

Who would of thought that Capcom would be so heartless.
"Did I mention, I ate rats?"
"The HADOUKEN is a secret technique. Many of my ancestors and their yaks died protecting that secret"
Ice Koobs

Street Fighter The Later Years 6

Ken really is an idiot isn't he?
And what is this. Who is the one imposing Ryu? Questions, questions.
"Yoga Noogie"
"Fuck Him. Fuck You!"
Ice Koobs

Street Fighter: Intermission

Time to take a little break from the Later Years.
I found this video editor on the web and well I let you see the results.

Chun-Li is now has a manly face to go with the Big off hands and the PowerHouse Legs.
Maybe that's why the movie always suck. Cos she just not manly enough.
Ice Koobs

Street Fighter The Later Years 5

What the hell. I didn't realize that that was Ken.
"Get Out Of Would You"
Ice Koobs

Street Fighter The Later Years 4

They should of so chosen this ChunLi for the Next movie.
"Let me Iron out those wrinkles"
Ice Koobs

Street Fighter The Later Years 3

Just take off the damn mask.
"Frookin Eletrical Ompa Loompa"
Ice Koobs

Street Fighter The Later Year 2

Bison's name is Michael. Who would of known.
Best part "Tiger, Tiger Uppercut"
Ice Koobs

GF. Street Fighter

Saying that SFIV is finally released today. It would make sense to have a SF theme of some sort.
So to start the day off what would Street Fighter be like if it was real???

For a frist in MyTinyFragileMind history there are going to set posts today. I'm hoping to make it happen every hour. So come back and enjoy the show.
Ice Koobs

MM Extra early. Kid Cudi vs Crookers

I've been saving this tune for when I finished the Blink run that I was doing but a fellow Blogger (who goes by the name of Junlee) has posted the original on his blog.
I prefer the remix. Easier to dance to to. Or pop. Or bubble. Or whatever the hell you do in a club. I personally to bounce and nod my head to the beat. The girls love it. Or at least I think so =0S
Any way on with the video.

Sweet crap. All of those girls were hot. And that's what make this video better the original as well =0D
Only playing, I think both videos are good but you can see the influence that Kanye West had not only on the other video but the song as well.
One other note of point. How the hell do you spell his name? Everywhere I was looking said it was spelt Cudi, not Kudi. Confusion.
Ice Koobs

Thursday, 19 February 2009

A nice anime music video thingy

I was going to list this under an Animated Wednesday. But then I realize it would of been a cop out by myself. Work been really hectic but hopefully it's all gong to pay off.
For the last 5 months or so I've been working at a big store in my company, actually I've worked there for over a year now. But one of the problems has been that only up about 5 months ago there has never been proper management running it. Now it's a good store, the guys there are bloody brilliant. Also it does get busy which always helps past the time. But it's always a hassle to travel there. Bout 1 to 2 hours to get there depending on what time of the day is my shift. That's another thing that a killer is the mix of shifts. It can be any thing from 9-6 or 1-10. Now where it takes quite a while to get there, my day is normally shot. Hence the reason why I'm find it hard to keep to the regular updates. In the long run I asked for a transfer. But being the idiot I am I said I would stay until the store had enough staff and that everyone was fully trained. I don't know why I put myself into positions that are going to work against me, but I couldn't just leave them in the lurch. But that was 4 months ago and slowly but surly the place is shaping up. Which means that I might be able to move soon. But I won't say anything more just in case I jinx it.

Anyway I digress. I couldn't think of any good flash animations and haven't had the time to write up about some anime so instead have this fan made movie featuring the best fight scene from Naruto and the music of Mindless Self Indulgence "Shut Me Up"

Ice Koobs

Monday, 16 February 2009

MM. Blink 182. Wow Deja Vu

So you like what I did with the title there? I know I do.
Now I know I did Blink 182 last week and I don't care. This is one of the few bands that I actually have all of the commercially released albums. So I thought it would be nice to take a track from each one.
This week track is from "Take Off Your Pants and Jacket". Lots of people overlook the tongue in cheek humor of this tittle. But then again it could be my own warped mind that managed to see it.
Have you seen it yet? They're talking about masturbation. Now how many blogs do you know would talk about something like that so openly? Read the title again, but this time slower. "Take. Off. Your. Pants. And . Jack. It" Subtle but still there.

It was released in 2001 with three of it's tracks being later released as singles. This weeks video is going to be one of those singles. Any idea which one? Take a look at the YouTube video below to find out. Oh and it is the unedited video. The one where you see sparks fly.

One more thing. I always tried to get the hair style like Marks in the picture below when I was younger.Mark's the one on the right. Actually I still want to get a cut like that. But I'm torn in my decision. I want to grow it long. But I want that hairstyle. Maybe I should grow it long and see how it looks. If it's crap then I can always cut it after. Yeah. I'll do that.
Ice Koobs

Friday, 13 February 2009

GF. New Play Control

Everyone has had their say, and now it is time for me to as well.
I see both sides of the argument. I'm going to use Pikmin as an example.
Not one of the casual gamers that have a Wii now would have played Pikmin. So for Nintendo it would make sense to re-release it. It would be a good little earner for them and then they can use the sales of it to consider if it would be worth while to do a sequel.
But from a gamer view point it's a waste of time. Just release the sequel. If it flops. Oh well, you should of done a better advertising campaign. If anyone says that ads don't make a difference then look at the LG Renoir. Crappest Phone Ever. But it's been sold by the bucket load because it had a strong advertising campaign behind it. But less about phones and more about games. It is gaming Friday after all.

So what have Nintendo done to improve on this game? Ummm nothing. People can argue the fact that it now includes controls for the Wii-Mote and Nunchuck. Whoop-di-f'ing dooo. So. The controls of the original were good to start with. And is that all? Well ok they have added a new save system that lets you re-start at any day you have already completed. What the hell? What is the point? One of the things that made the game so playable was that you had to plan your time out. Screw around and don't collect all your space ship parts (you've crashed landed btw and you have to collect the parts within 30 days) and then you are well and truly screwed yourself. They haven't even improved on the graphics, hell the box art is still the bloody same.
Take a look for yourself.

So far, so not good. I have only seen one redeeming feature toward the "Re-Make" (note the quotes, I'm using the term very very loosely) is the possibly that if it's good that a sequel will be in the works. So what about the price? Oh sweet love of god it £29.99. A game of which I can get on ebay for £4.70 (including p&p). Lets see, that's £25.29 extra (I even gone to the effort of finding it out in dollars for my American readers. It's $36.49).
I think you can start to see where I'm coming from with this. I might of accepted this if it was £19.99. But it isn't and that is the problem.
There will also always be the argument that Capcom did the same with Resident Evil 4. But if what I've researched is right (yeah I do do back up reading, can't have an argument if you don't know all the angles) then there were changes that actually made it worth while to re-buy. Things like:
  • The additional content made available in the PS2 version.
  • Although graphics weren't improved there is now the option to play the game in 480p and true widescreen.
  • Controls that made a difference. Yeah your damn right I'm going to put that here.
Also the different version didn't have a massive gap between the release dates. 2 years max. Where as Pikmin has a gap of 8 years =0(
They could of made it more worth while. Maybe by having both Pikmin 1 and 2 on one disk. I would definitely consider buying it for £29.99 then. But it not, so this game shall remain on the shelves. Haven't Nintendo heard? There's a recession going on, I ain't got no money to waste.

Ice Koobs

Thursday, 12 February 2009

AW +1. Kenya Classic

Another classic for you this week. But first an apology bout posting late again (not that I think anyone actually comes on the specific days, still nice to keep on time though). This time it was out of my control as my mum took her laptop to work. I've could of done the post though my G1 but the formatting sucks and I couldn't have bad formatting for a regular post. The spelling is bad enough.
I use to sing this song all the time in sixth form much to annoyance of my fellow students. I think that they didn't know the words so they were just jealous. Or cause I got to see this awesome clip before them and got jealous over that. What ever the reason it was definitely because they were jealous. No over reason for sure.

And yes. When I was in a paticulaly silly mood I would dance to it as well. And Yes again. I do still sing once and again. Just ask the guys I work with.
Ice Koobs

Tuesday, 10 February 2009

More posters on the underground

When I saw this. I though "What the heck?"

I couldn't for the life of me understand why they would have a such a crap drawing on display. It's truly a waste of space. But then I took a little while more to take it in. My train was taking ages and I had nothing to lose. It was then that it hit me. This poster had a hidden meaning. On first inspection it looks a drawing by a child, but of what? A load of random symbols? No Bells, Lemons and the Underground logo. Now keep with me here it will become clear soon. Next thing you need to see is the layout of all this items. Rows of three. Remind you of anything yet? Well it look remarkably similar to a one armed bandit. But why has a child drawn something about gambling? Unless he trying to say something deeper. Something he wouldn't of been able to say if he did it in slight. Maybe he was trying to say not only the London Transport is rubbish (by the crapiness of the drawing) but that it is also a gamble to use it as well. Heck as I' typing this I've just heard over the speaker system that my train has been delayed. Oh well I guess that just means I have more time to look at this poster.

Ice Koobs

Monday, 9 February 2009

MM. Blink 182 are back

HAPPY DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whep. Now that that's out of my system. Yeah the guys are back together. And I have to Facebook for letting me know. Typical. The time where I stop looking at music sites and this happens. Now to many people this might not be a big thing. Hell some people will even say that Blink 182 weren't that good. Heck to those of you who think. I don't give a flying F*** about your opinion. This band will always have a special place in my heart. Little fact that many might know about myself is that the First Album I ever bought (with my own money and though my own choice) was Emena of the State. The one with Janine Lindermulder on the front cover. The one that below.

And she was on the back to.

Now instead of playing the ovious of What's My Age Again or All the Small Things. I think I go for this one instead.

Dysentery Gary. God I miss this album. I think I going to see if I can find it. If not I might have to buy off iTunes.
Ice Koobs

Saturday, 7 February 2009

GF. The Legend Of Princess

So in the world of free gaming I have found this little gem. Don't know much about the person or the game. But I do know it well fun to play and you will lose a good chunk of any free time you have. Here's a quick clip to show you what you getting. But you might want to change the controls. The default takes a while to get use to.

Oh yeah and before I forget the download for the link is here at
Had a long day at work so the post is going to a bit short. But a quick update on the WiiFit. I still haven't started it. I don't even know how much I weight. Oppise =0)
Ice Koobs

Friday, 6 February 2009

Misleading adverts

Is it just me or is this advert a little umm saucy?
And what an anti climax. Weymouth? Why oh why would I want to kiss someone there? I might be intressed in going there if there really were pink octopuses. But I doubt there is. And even then I wouldn't drag my parner (if I had one) with me.
Ice Koobs

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Wata a flop

Yeah just to say I haven't done any of the Wiifit since last Friday.
Yeah shame on me blah blah blah.
But I just don't have the time.
What with teaching my mum how to do sudoku, the snow and everything else.
So yeah. Oppise.

Ice Koobs

Wednesday, 4 February 2009

AW. Animation Invasion!

I found this clip about six months ago and is one of the videos that has got me wanting to get back into animation and games. The guy at the beginning is just an intro not the actual clip.

Ice Koobs

Monday, 2 February 2009

MM. Feels So Good

Almost forgot to do a post today. In case you don't know, it's the heaviest snow fall in London for 18 years. So I've been out enjoying it. I've experience snow before, but never when every one around me speaks English. Which makes it even better. Imagine it. Middle of the park. Building a massive snowman (I would of taken a photo but I still haven't got my other phone replaced yet). When all you hear is someone shout out "SNOWBALL FIGHT!"
Hectic does not cover it. I got covered. But that made it easier to do some stealth shots =0)

Anyway because I feel so good it's all about uplifting music today. Hope you enjoy.

And finally the song that fits the mood perfectly

Ice Koobs