Friday, 27 February 2009

Sick Koobs day

I feel so hollow at the moemnt. Like I might pass out any time now. My throat is so dry that I can't even talk. It was alright in the beginning cause I sounded like some cool Blues singer. But now I have to rely on my G1 to talk for me (god bless this device).
Now even though I use my fingers to type not my voice I finding it really hard to concentrate. I think that I haven't had any problems so far. But I better stop while I'm ahead.
Ice Koobs


Junlee said...

Get to feeling better you goofy bastard! :D

I myself am coming down with a cold I think. Nose is starting to feel rotten.

Random J said...

Blues singer my arse. You sounded like shit. *LMAO!!*

Ice Koobs said...

That was when I could still talk properly.When you rang that's when my voice went completely.
It's still not come back either.
And I wanted to ask that girl out today as well =0(

Junlee said...

Was it the pink and yellow dot lady?!

*starts to giggle*

Ice Koobs said...
