Friday, 13 February 2009

GF. New Play Control

Everyone has had their say, and now it is time for me to as well.
I see both sides of the argument. I'm going to use Pikmin as an example.
Not one of the casual gamers that have a Wii now would have played Pikmin. So for Nintendo it would make sense to re-release it. It would be a good little earner for them and then they can use the sales of it to consider if it would be worth while to do a sequel.
But from a gamer view point it's a waste of time. Just release the sequel. If it flops. Oh well, you should of done a better advertising campaign. If anyone says that ads don't make a difference then look at the LG Renoir. Crappest Phone Ever. But it's been sold by the bucket load because it had a strong advertising campaign behind it. But less about phones and more about games. It is gaming Friday after all.

So what have Nintendo done to improve on this game? Ummm nothing. People can argue the fact that it now includes controls for the Wii-Mote and Nunchuck. Whoop-di-f'ing dooo. So. The controls of the original were good to start with. And is that all? Well ok they have added a new save system that lets you re-start at any day you have already completed. What the hell? What is the point? One of the things that made the game so playable was that you had to plan your time out. Screw around and don't collect all your space ship parts (you've crashed landed btw and you have to collect the parts within 30 days) and then you are well and truly screwed yourself. They haven't even improved on the graphics, hell the box art is still the bloody same.
Take a look for yourself.

So far, so not good. I have only seen one redeeming feature toward the "Re-Make" (note the quotes, I'm using the term very very loosely) is the possibly that if it's good that a sequel will be in the works. So what about the price? Oh sweet love of god it £29.99. A game of which I can get on ebay for £4.70 (including p&p). Lets see, that's £25.29 extra (I even gone to the effort of finding it out in dollars for my American readers. It's $36.49).
I think you can start to see where I'm coming from with this. I might of accepted this if it was £19.99. But it isn't and that is the problem.
There will also always be the argument that Capcom did the same with Resident Evil 4. But if what I've researched is right (yeah I do do back up reading, can't have an argument if you don't know all the angles) then there were changes that actually made it worth while to re-buy. Things like:
  • The additional content made available in the PS2 version.
  • Although graphics weren't improved there is now the option to play the game in 480p and true widescreen.
  • Controls that made a difference. Yeah your damn right I'm going to put that here.
Also the different version didn't have a massive gap between the release dates. 2 years max. Where as Pikmin has a gap of 8 years =0(
They could of made it more worth while. Maybe by having both Pikmin 1 and 2 on one disk. I would definitely consider buying it for £29.99 then. But it not, so this game shall remain on the shelves. Haven't Nintendo heard? There's a recession going on, I ain't got no money to waste.

Ice Koobs


Junlee said...

That's a ridiculous price. Same thing with the Metroid remakes. If they're that much, then Nintendo can go sit on a wii-mote.

Ross said...

Mario Power Tennis is getting re-released as well. I hope these extremely-lazy cash ins flop horribly at retail.

Ice Koobs said...

I knew about that as well. But I thought it would be best to ignore it. I am after all, trying to cut down on the amount of swearing I do on this blog and I doubt I would of been able to contain myself if I talked about that as well.