Tuesday, 10 February 2009

More posters on the underground

When I saw this. I though "What the heck?"

I couldn't for the life of me understand why they would have a such a crap drawing on display. It's truly a waste of space. But then I took a little while more to take it in. My train was taking ages and I had nothing to lose. It was then that it hit me. This poster had a hidden meaning. On first inspection it looks a drawing by a child, but of what? A load of random symbols? No Bells, Lemons and the Underground logo. Now keep with me here it will become clear soon. Next thing you need to see is the layout of all this items. Rows of three. Remind you of anything yet? Well it look remarkably similar to a one armed bandit. But why has a child drawn something about gambling? Unless he trying to say something deeper. Something he wouldn't of been able to say if he did it in slight. Maybe he was trying to say not only the London Transport is rubbish (by the crapiness of the drawing) but that it is also a gamble to use it as well. Heck as I' typing this I've just heard over the speaker system that my train has been delayed. Oh well I guess that just means I have more time to look at this poster.

Ice Koobs


Unknown said...

So it's like a slot machine piece then.... Lucky kid! Already getting stuff on posters...

John Boy said...

heh heh.