Saturday, 21 February 2009

Street Fighter The Later Years 9

It's the final fight. Who will win?

So there you have it. Hope you've enjoyed today. As I doubt I will do it again any time soon. And I didn't have a day off. I've just been testing out the time delay posts and what I can do on my G1. I'm a little upset however. Random J gone and posted all the clips in one post. I know he didn't mean to but *Sad Face* =0(
Oh well I do have one advantage. I got the ninth and final episode *Happy Face* =0)

"Why don't you try a harder difficulty level next time?"
Ice Koobs


Unknown said...

These should be at the theater rather than that new one coming out this month..

I was laughing through the whole series!

Junlee said...

Guile was probably my favorite character. Him going off on everybody all the time had me dyin'.