Tuesday 23 December 2008

MM. Of Course It's Going To Be A Xmas Special

What else did you except with only 3 day left till Christmas?
But as you should all know I always put a little twist on obvious posts.
So enjoy "The Twelve Days Of Video Game Christmas"

Best line and most truthful one:
"On the fifth day of Christmas Richie gave to me a reason to play my WIiiiiiiiii."

Best line just because the guy says it so well:
"On the Ninth day, Niko! My cousin."'

Line I'm not getting (but he put so much enthusiasm into it that it's still good):
"On the second day, Version 2.o"

I wish I was imaginative enough to come up with something like this. I would gladly sing it just not come up with it. So if anyone has some songs they don't mind me slaughtering, send me an e-mail (the address is to the right in the "How to get in touch" section) and I'll do a video and post it =0)

This might be my last post before Christmas, so if that is the case then MERRY CHRISTMAS.
Ice Koobs


Junlee said...


As for...

So if anyone has some songs they don't mind me slaughtering, send me an e-mail (the address is to the right in the "How to get in touch" section) and I'll do a video and post it =0)

I'll think of something and email you. You still got the gmail account? I sent you an invite.

Ice Koobs said...

I've got the English version of Gmail. Googlemail all the way baby. Lol

Junlee said...

So does that mean I can't invite you? Maybe I put your email in wrong? Isn't it ice.koobs@googlemail.com?

Junlee said...

Hell it doesn't matter. I can still send you a song for you to "sing", lol.