Friday, 18 February 2011

Fun times in the Living Room

The above picture sums up one of the many reason why I love Video Games. The amount of enjoyment they provide to everyone regardless of if they are playing or just watching.
There was a moment earlier where I was playing the Deadspace 2 Demo. The lights where switched off and I think I could safely say that everyone almost soiled their self. Not that I would blame them it they did. It was a scary demo with a random enemy climbing over a side railing which resulted in everyone screaming and me trying to punch it's face in. I won in the end. But was chopped in half a couple of times.
While video games always get shined in a bad light of being anti social is this really true? I don't believe so in the least. I used to be socially awkward when I was younger but I think that was just due to me being me and not because I played video games all the time. I'm proud to say that I've been able to make many friends over time and I'm an avid video game player. Many of the friends I've made have actually been through online matches and while I may not know these people face to face I would still consider them friends. In fact I even use online services such as Xbox Live or the Playstation Network to keep in touch with friends who may have moved away or that I'm unable to see. It's almost like our own way of arranging a get together down at the pub. Only cheaper and with so many drunken rants (there is still the odd one or two rants but not many).
So that's my argument against Video Games Making People Anti Social. What's your opinion on the matter? Do you even have one? Any reason why if you don't? I'm interested to find out.

Thursday, 3 February 2011

In the words of la Femme Fatale...

Opps...I did it again.
I don't know why but I've been really rubbish at keeping this little place up to date. Something that I should and will sort out . I've already been preping myself up and getting everything ready. I just needed to get a couple of physical objects that was going to help me out. What are they? Well a diary and pen actually.

Something that is super helpful as it means whenever or wherever I am I'll be able to write down what I am thinking and keep a track of it all. Good news for all I would say. Hopefully this will also mean I can keep a track of what I've done as well so when it comes to showing off my talents I can actually remember when I did them.

P.s The Femme Fatale that is mentioned in the title of the post is Britney Spears. She announced it as the title of her new album. Hopefully the Fatale part won't be something along the lines of rubbish songs accompanied by a lame backing track.