Tuesday, 11 November 2008

Nothing much to say

Nothing really has happened today.
Well something kinda of happened but has not happened yet. If that make sense.
I've been asked to review a phone at work before it is released and (guess what) write a blog about it. Oh the irony. I'm finding it hard enough to my own personal one.
I can't really talk about the phone. Not because I've been told not to but just because I want to see what it is like first before I say anything about it. I think most of you guys know how I am when it comes to reviewing things. Hard but fair. I might post something when the phone is available for sale.
On another topic I'm looking at my options to get Guitar Hero: World Tour. I think I'll trade in my Guitar Hero 3 (plus guitar) on the Wii for the 360 GH:WT. I learned my mistake from getting the Wii one when I went looking for the downloadable songs. What a screw up that was.
Nintendo need to put their game up. It still costs £180 over here. A 360 Premium Pack (the one with a 60gb hard drive) is only £200. With an extra £30 for the Elite edition. That means that if I was chosing a console on pure merit then the 360 would win hands down. Better graphics, better online play, and (it kills me to say this) better games (oh god it hurts).
Dam it Nintendo. You must of made enough money now. Make the Wii 2 already. A Wii with improved graphics, improved online, a hard drive, better motion control, better (hardcore) games. I think i finally understand how some mothers feel when their little child that they wanted to be a Lawyer says that they want to become a Dustbin Man.

For a day that I didn't think I would write a lot I actually have. I would say it was a bit of a Random Ramble but then I think ?J will sue over copy right.
Ice Koobs

1 comment:

Junlee said...

I feel the same way about the Wii. :(

It's really disappointing right now. I haven't touched the thing in so long. I play my PS3 all the time, so it's pretty much like I have just one console right now. I'm even contemplated selling the Wii! But I won't do it just because I know the minute I sell it, Nintendo is gonna announce some new game (like a new Zelda or something else) that I want to play and won't be able to.