Over the years I've gained a load of knowledge from video games. Like I mean a LOAD, we are talking around 15 years here, maybe even more. I do have to say that up till now, the gaming scene wasn't cheap. It still isn't.
But that where Nintendo have it sorted.
Before, if you wanted to play a shooting game you have to buy a light gun. It's impossible to play with the controlled because by the time you aim at something, it's moved and you have to start the whole process of aiming again. Of course if you had a P.c then you didn't have this problem, but then you had to make sure that your p.c was up to the job of handling the game.
If you waned to play a racing game and get the true racing experience, then you needed to buy a steering wheel. Well you could just use the controller but how could you show off to your mates that 180˚ hand break turn you've master. It doesn't have the same effect with a controller as it does with a wheel.
Now that is all a thing of the past with the wii-mote A.K.A the wii controller. It can do virtually anything. Aim it at the screen and its a gun, turn on its side and you can use it as a wheel. In a game coming out later this month you can even put it in your pockets and jog on the spot. Why is that cool you ask, because the console will tell you how far you have jogged. It like the swiss army knife of the gaming world.
Now throw in the point that the Wii is the cheapest console on the market you cold say that it is the best console. Right? Well kinda.
Don't get me wrong I would not sell my Wii for the world but, the graphics are somewhat lacking. Also add in the point about online game play. While being there it is missing a certain zing. I can't put my finger on this "zing" but as soon as I work it out I will defiantly post it.
In this day and age, with H.D tellies and Blue-ray disks, people expect to have realistic and almost lifelike graphics. This is something that the wii can't do. Not that it doesn't try. But as a gamer I can see why Nintendo did this. It's simple really. They needed to place their selfs back at the top. Now how are you going to this by not having at least similar graphics to the competition.
Instead of me trying to explain in technical terms think of it like this.
You go into a shop. There before you is two bars of chocolate, they are virtually the same. Both in wrapping, taste and price, but are made by different companies. Which do you chose? No don't send me e-mails. I know it will be split right down the middle. But now let say there is a slight difference.
This time one has a great wrapper, cost a bit but after eating a little bit of it you find that its either too chewy or too sickly. The other bar doesn't have the fancy wrapping, is cheaper and you love the taste. Now which one do you chose.
The majority of readers will go for the second one.
Now lets put things into context. The wrapping is the graphics of a console, the price is well the price and the taste and texture is the gameplay.
By doing what Nintendo have done they now have all the time in the world to iron out all the bugs of online gaming. Plus they can now work and test out different ways of improving graphics while not breaking and raping our banks and wallets.
Hope you enjoyed this post.
If you want me to do more or have any comments then just drop me a message or e-mail.