Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Need to start practising

Practising what exactly? Writing really. I've become so out of practice that my spelling is horrendous (before I used spell check there was just a sea of red waves all over the place), it's taking me ages to think of anything good to write about (hence the boring premise for this post) and...umm...Oh that's it, I keep forgetting what I want to write about.
This is very bad news for me though. Part of the requirements of my new Uni course is to do a Production dairy. One for each Unit I do. While a dairy isn't too hard to do I would like it to read well. Just like this blog I would like people to get some sort of enjoyment from reading it. Even if it's only a small smile at a slightly stupid remark such as "I like Boobies" (bet that got a little tinge of a smile at least).Also I got to find a place to post these Dairies and come up with an interesting title for all of them. It took me long enough to come with the idea of "My Tiny Fragile Mind". Can you imagine how bad it's going to be to come up something that is entertaining and informative as well. I'm getting a brain ache just thinking about it.
Other things I need to do involve trying to keep my desk clear of mess. Which is difficult because I'm such a chronic dumper. I just looked to my right now and can see a pile of books and papers that I need to try and sort through after I've finished this post. Maybe if I keep writing then I can shun that responsibility till tomorrow. Actually that won't work. That means I'll need to keep thinking of something good to write and for you to the read. And we all know that when I ramble it leads to nothing constructive.In other areas of my tragic boring yet strangely entertaining life. Game wise I'm playing Deadrising 2. Bar a couple of issues (your more likely to find a tramp with aids then get put into a working multiplayer lobby) it's immensely enjoyable. Who can argue that combining boxing gloves and motor oil to make flaming gloves to set zombies on fire is not fun?

Also I've been told that I resemble two people from a sitcom that just started it's 3rd series over here. But I'm going to save that little gem for a later post.
I guess I better post this and take care of that cleaning. Enjoy yourselves people.

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

It's Been Awhile

Long time no see right?
Like if we were fish I pretty sure we would have died or evolved into land based creatures as has it been so long without the see bit.Anyway word games aside, after a (reasonably long but much needed) hiatus I'm proud to say that my mind is open to all again. It's not as fragile as it used to been but please tread carefully as I've just placed down some new laminate and I don't want it to get scratched.
So I'm guessing you're hankering to know why I open up shop again. You're not? Oh cheers, nice to know you to. Well I'm going to tell you anyway. I've recently enrolled at University. It's going to involve a lot of writing. Well I say a lot I do actually mean an excruciating amount. A couple of examples, a piece of coursework on the history of video games. If you've read any of my blogs in the past then you know I can talk for Britain on current games (and any other event which seems to take my interests) , can you imagine me talking about the riches of video game history from the humble beginnings of Pong and Space Invaders to the tragic mistakes of Custer's Revenge (google it, I'm not dirtying my site with that smut). Heck if I didn't have to wake up early tomorrow then I might just write something up now. But sadly with Uni life comes certain events that cannot be missed. Like Freshers Fair.
Oh in case you haven't work it out yet I'm doing a course that relates to that most beloved subject Video Games. The actual name is Game Cultures and hopefully I learn some nice little tricks to spruce up the site. But because of this I may end up moving from site to site. So to avoid any disappointment and missed posts save www.icekoobs.com to your bookmarks. I'll set it up to redirect you to the right place.
Other things to look forward to. Possible Beta Testing of any games I make, possibly. Depends if you all behave yourselves. Maybe leave the odd comment or two or five. Five would be cool.
Time to end this post. But it's looking a bit bear so maybe time to add a little colour.

Nothing like a photo of a Gingerbread Orgy to brighten up the place. Look at that Gingerbread Dudette, she's loving it.